You only need 5 mins a day to initiate balance. Take a moment & go to your yoga mat for reflection, awareness, & rejuvenation. Develop a yoga practice that can accomodate anytime of day.
Connect with the breath for 1min.
Tadasana-Mountain Pose
Inhale-Urdva hastasana-Upward Hands
Exhale-Uttanasana-Forward Fold
Inhale-Utkatasana-Chair Pose
Exhale-Tadasana-Mountain Pose
Inhale-Urdva hastasana-Upward Hands
Exhale-Ardha Chandrasana=Right---Left---Back
Exhale-Uttanasana-Forward Fold
Exhale-Step back-Low lunge-Rt leg
Inhale-Uttanasana-Foward Fold
Exhale-Banarasana-Low Lunge-Left leg
Exhale-Uttanasana-Forward Fold
Inhale-Urdva Hastasana
Continue this sequence while moving with the breath for a few minutes. Do this until you feel the body refreshed.